Beans & Hormone health
Dr. Audrey Powell L.Ac. DACM Dr. Audrey Powell L.Ac. DACM

Beans & Hormone health

Looking for simple ways to improve your health? Then look no further than the magical bean! Beans are high in fiber and nutrients essential for digestive health and hormone health. Beans play a significant role in supporting hormone health due to their nutrient and fiber rich profile. Fiber is essential for maintaining stable blood sugar levels, which directly affects hormone regulation.

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Endocrine disrupting chemicals and their impact on hormone health
Dr. Audrey Powell L.Ac. DACM Dr. Audrey Powell L.Ac. DACM

Endocrine disrupting chemicals and their impact on hormone health

Endocrine disrupting chemicals are found in everyday consumer products, household chemicals, fabrics, cosmetics, soaps, fragrance, laundry detergents, children’s products, food storage materials, toothpastes, shampoos, lotions, body washes, nonstick pans and more.

These “everyday” chemicals disrupt normal biological processes related to natural hormone production, synthesis and regulation.

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