acupuncture Theory
Acupuncture is an adaptogenic medicine addressing imbalances within the body. The term “adaptogen” is applied in herbal medicine for increasing the ability to adjust and respond to biological stress.
Acupuncture is a tool that regulates the nervous system and restores homeostasis within the physical and psycho-emotional body.
East Asian modalities like Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine and Tui Na Bodywork are energetic and physical tools utilized to address our inner landscapes by nourishing soils of mind and body.
Acupuncture utilizes pathway’s or channels that correspond to the roots and branches of a problem.
The 12 primary channels of body are not just conceptually identified as energetic but physiologic too.
The Acupuncture channel system is a theory that is closely related to the following:
Vascular System (blood and vessels)
Nervous System (brain, spinal cord, peripheral branches and nerve plexus)
Limbic System (emotional and behavioral)
Enteric System (gastrointestinal)
Fascia (connective tissue and muscles)
Organs (Gall Bladder, Liver, Spleen, Stomach, Intestines, Heart, Kidney)
Reproductive System (ovaries, testes)
How many treatments will I need?
The number of treatments required for a condition vary considerably. Chronic conditions take years to develop and for that reason can take some time to resolve. Acupuncture is not a single treatment but a series of therapeutic treatments addressing the root cause imbalances within the body.