Why do i Feel so tired after acupuncture?
Feeling fatigued, heavy, or tired after an acupuncture treatment is not uncommon and can actually be a positive sign that your body is responding to the treatment.
Understanding Qi and Energy in TCM
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Qi is the vital life force that flows through your body, much like blood flows through your veins. Qi is responsible for maintaining balance and harmony in your body’s physical, emotional and spiritual health. When Qi is abundant and flowing smoothly, you feel energized, balanced and healthy. However, if Qi becomes blocked, deficient, or stagnant, it can lead to various health issues, including fatigue, pain, and illness.
How Acupuncture Works
Acupuncture works by stimulating specific points along the body’s meridians (pathways through which Qi flows) to restore the proper flow of Qi. When the acupuncturist inserts needles into these points, it helps to:
Unblock Stagnant Qi: If Qi is stuck or not flowing freely, you may experience pain, tension, or fatigue. Acupuncture helps to release these blockages, allowing Qi to circulate more freely throughout the body.
Nourish Deficient Qi: If your body is low on Qi, you may feel tired, weak, or rundown. Acupuncture helps to boost and balance Qi, replenishing your energy reserves.
Redirect Excess Qi: Sometimes, there can be an excess of Qi in certain areas of the body, leading to tension or discomfort. Acupuncture can help redistribute this excess energy to where it is needed.
Why You Might Feel Fatigued After Treatment
After an acupuncture session, your body begins the process of rebalancing Qi. This rebalancing can demand a lot of energy, particularly if your Qi was significantly blocked or deficient. As a result, you might feel:
Fatigued or Heavy: Your body is working hard to move and redistribute energy, which can temporarily leave you feeling tired or weighed down.
Relaxed or Drowsy: Acupuncture often induces a deep state of relaxation, which can lead to feelings of sleepiness or heaviness as your nervous system shifts from a state of stress to one of rest and recovery.
Healing Response: The fatigue is also a sign that your body is beginning to heal. Just as your body requires rest after physical exercise, it may need rest after an energetic workout like acupuncture.
This post-treatment fatigue usually passes within a few hours, leaving you feeling refreshed and more balanced. It’s your body’s way of telling you that it’s working to restore harmony and health.
It is important to eat a nourishing meal, hydrate with room temperature or hot water, refrain from alcohol and recreational drugs and limit stressful exposures. Listening to your body and allowing yourself to rest after treatment can support the healing process, ensuring you get the most benefit from your acupuncture sessions.