Finding Relief from Allergies with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Allergies, TCM, Herbal Medicine, Hay Fever, Seasonal Allergies, Immune System Dr. Audrey Powell L.Ac DACM Allergies, TCM, Herbal Medicine, Hay Fever, Seasonal Allergies, Immune System Dr. Audrey Powell L.Ac DACM

Finding Relief from Allergies with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

For allergies and allergic rhinitis, acupuncture can help by strengthening Wei Qi and boosting the body's defensive energy to protect against allergens. Acupuncture sessions can provide immediate relief from symptoms, while herbal formulas work to strengthen the body’s overall resistance to allergens over time. Consulting with a licensed TCM practitioner can help tailor treatments to individual needs, ensuring a comprehensive approach to managing allergies.

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