Finding Relief from Allergies with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Allergies, TCM, Herbal Medicine, Hay Fever, Seasonal Allergies, Immune System Inner Gardener Acupuncture Allergies, TCM, Herbal Medicine, Hay Fever, Seasonal Allergies, Immune System Inner Gardener Acupuncture

Finding Relief from Allergies with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

For allergies and allergic rhinitis, acupuncture can help by strengthening Wei Qi and boosting the body's defensive energy to protect against allergens. Acupuncture sessions can provide immediate relief from symptoms, while herbal formulas work to strengthen the body’s overall resistance to allergens over time. Consulting with a licensed TCM practitioner can help tailor treatments to individual needs, ensuring a comprehensive approach to managing allergies.

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Eastern Medicine FAQ’s
Acupunture, TCM Inner Gardener Acupuncture Acupunture, TCM Inner Gardener Acupuncture

Eastern Medicine FAQ’s

How does acupuncture work? Acupuncture regulates the Central Nervous System and its various feedback loops in the body. When acupuncture needles are inserted into an acupuncture point, it stimulates an impulse into the complex feedback mechanisms between the brain, hormones, glands and organs which are responsible for regulating all bodily processes. Acupuncture points are higsly pecific areas on the body just beyond the surface of the skin. They have high concentrations of nerve endings, mast cells, lymphatic vessels, and capillaries.

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Understanding Climactic Factors: Dampness
Damp, TCM Inner Gardener Acupuncture Damp, TCM Inner Gardener Acupuncture

Understanding Climactic Factors: Dampness

In TCM the environment and weather are considered integral aspects of health. Traditional Chinese Medicine theory identifies climactic factors such as wind, cold, heat, and dampness, each associated with distinct patterns of imbalance within the body. Dampness, often viewed as a Yin pathogen, is considered a common contributor to various health concerns from ezcema, IBS, joint pain and fatigue.

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